About Me (I'm Bad At This)

My name is Eby. I studied Photojournalism (and Art History and Italian and Spanish) at the University of Texas at Austin. I started as a Biology major but after spending two months in Thailand when I was 19, I decided that photography is what I like, more than learning parts of a cell (even though cells are very, very cool).

Things I really, really like:
  • music (lots of it and especially when it's live and funky)
  • books (fiction old and new)
  • traveling (I've been a lot of amazing places...I think my five favorites so far are Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Cambodia and Mexico...I really, really want to go to India, Turkey and Kenya)
  • art (painting and sculpture are my favorite)
  • good beer (making and drinking it...this is a tough one...big fan of I.P.A.s these days though and I will never say no to a Coffee Porter)
  • animals (primarily elephants, large and small cats, giraffes and good dogs)
This blog was started as a way to show my photos of the 16 months I spent teaching English in Korea (South...you'd be shocked how many people say "North or South?") and traveling to other Asian countries from August 2009 to December 2010. It has undergone a name transformation from "Seoul Shakedown Party" to the not-as-fun "Eby Harvey Photography." I've had several blogs from traveling and I decided maybe it's better if everything is in one place.

If you happen to like anything here let me know - it always feels good when people like what you do and say so. If you really like what I do and want to hire me for something awesome (ie: not a wedding or photos of your toddler) email me! Especially if it involves traveling, music or just something awesome where I can meet people.

Have a great day!

^ this is me at 5am at Uluru in the Outback of Australia